Monday, May 24, 2010

Hi there....

My name's Joanne Flovella & this is my first time posting on the R.I.S.E. =) I'm currently a film student in Miami with dreams of becoming a celebrated director/actress/writer. I adore everything about film & what goes into making one; I'm also super passionate about the art of music & music videos. Anyhoo on to my first post ---> these are films that I feel everyone should see at least once:

1994: stars Natalie Portman (my favorite actress) in her first movie and Jean Reno in this dark but gorgeous film by Luc Besson. One of my favorite movie, it will leave you breathless & wanting more.

2004: Stars Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman. It's a sexy, intriguing, grown-up drama. You don't get a lot of that nowadays.

1982: Features Richard Gere in his younger days. I saw this in a class last year. Many of my classmates did not like it but I quite enjoyed it. I highly recommend it if you like coming-of-age stories.

1974: This is one of the reasons I will always love Mel Brooks! It's a horror/comedy spoof done right.

2009: A phenomenal science fiction film for all those sci-fi buffs out there like myself. Very poignant.

2002: DO NOT let the cheesy poster fool you: this movie is a thrilling & scary ride from start to finish, one of those keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat films.

2005: From Neil Marshall, the same director that did Dog Soldiers. Another one of my favorite films. A top-notch psychological horror film; this is where women are the ones doing the butt-kicking =)

And last but certainly not least:

2002: Hands down my favorite movie of all time. Nominated for 4 Oscars but didn't even win one, which I find stunning. This is THE film that pushed my dream of being an actress & director over the top. I remember thinking about this movie 3 or 4 days after I watch it. It's rare that a movie does that to me. It's got elements of dark comedy, tragedy, hope....... I tell everyone I know to watch this film. Watch this movie!!!

There are many more movies I want to post about but I'd go on forever so I think for now this is enough lol.

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