Monday, February 1, 2010


Hello internet land my name is Kaliq a.k.a Skillful _k. I want to start out by saying this is a new blog me and my friend Rob "Troop" Quintana have started. We are individuals who are now studying in different fields of art. I study Graphic Design and he studies Computer Animation. In spending one year in college I have learned a great deal. What I've learned is that creativity is not just an internal condition, but it is also an external one. On many occasions I have been able to create beautiful work and I was not even remotely inspired by looking at your "usual" art. To my surprise, my inspiration would come from the most unlikliest places: Refrigerator magnets, a word out of a magazine, the toppings of my favorite pizza, and even a person!(By the way, pinapples are really inspiring.) I'm sure uncommon inspiration does not just apply to me, but to you aswell. I would like to know what inspirational "treasure" you find that peeks your interest. Also, Troop and I want to share our "treasures" with you and inturn we enlighten eachother's lives, enlightening all parties involved. "Thus, we are Renaissance Individuals Seeking Enlightenment Always...."

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